
Let’s celebrate the watchmaking, jewelry and goldsmithing professions together.

12th Art

Discover an ambitious, unifying initiative that elevates the watchmaking, jewelry and goldsmithing (HBJO) and the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) professions to the rank of Art with the creation of the “12th Art”.

“12 Art” is a trademark created and registered with the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office).

12th art watchmaking, jewelry and goldsmithing

Our mission

Defend, promote and enhance the value of the watchmaking, jewelry and goldsmithing professions at international level.

Dear partners, whether you are a brand representative, a craftsman, a member of a federation or an organization linked to our sector,
you can support us and accelerate the development of this flagship project by signing a letter of support and sending it to us by e-mail: contact@12art.org or using the form below.

Contact form

12th Art

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